Best Institute for KUMAT Preparation Classes in Kathmandu Nepal
Feature MKS Education NIEC Orbit Alfabeta
 Online Class  Yes No No No
 Physical Class  Yes Yes Yes Yes
 Hybrid Class Yes NoNo No
 LMS Yes No No No
 Unlimited Class Yes No No No
 Fee 15,500 16000 16000 16000
 Instructor   Experienced NA NA NA
 Students Review  5.0 star 4.4 Star 4.0 4.0
 Class Recording Yes No No No

KUMAT stands for Kathmandu University Management Admission Test. It is a national-level entrance exam Kathmandu University School of Management (KUSOM) conducts for admission to its MBA program in Nepal. The KUMAT test aims to determine how competent a candidate is at verbal and math skills, logical reasoning, and general knowledge. The test is conducted in both English and Nepali, and it lasts three hours. The exam is usually held in August every year, and the application process for the same begins in May. Only KUSOM accepts KUMAT scores for admission to its MBA program.